Handwriting Analysis


You can say what you want but your handwriting doesn’t lie.

Handwriting provides a direct doorway into our subconscious mind as it’s a very natural process that, once learned, isn’t something we think about. Our handwriting can be linked to over 1,800 different traits! From how we write specific letters to our spacing, size and even how we sign our names.

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  • Male writing in a notebook

HR teams and Employers can find this tool useful to help narrow down or determine who to hire in a difficult situation. Centered Hypnotherapy often uses this to help gain insight into the writers world. Some of the traits that can be determined through handwriting are as follows.

Writers motivation and how they start or finish a project

Their typical mood as well as how they work with others

Honesty vs dishonesty, are they naturally trustworthy

Is the writer able to keep a secret or do they tend to talk a lot

Where are their priorities in life

How confident are they

Do they tend to procrastinate or finish their work

Contact us at Centered Hypnotherapy to learn more about how handwriting analysis can benefit you, or book your consultation below.

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